How to Find Good BRRRR Properties

How to Find Good BRRRR Properties
Explore strategies for finding lucrative properties, from estate sales to leveraging professional networks. Learn how partnerships with attorneys and real estate professionals can unlock hidden opportunities. Perfect for both novice and seasoned investors.

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The BRRRR method in real estate – Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat – if executed correctly, can not only be financially rewarding but also allows for the scaling of a property portfolio efficiently. In this blog post, we will delve into the strategies for finding good BRRRR properties.

Build Your Network

The importance of networking cannot be overstated. Building connections with other real estate investors can open doors to opportunities and insights that might otherwise remain hidden. Networking can involve various platforms and methods, each offering unique avenues to connect with like-minded individuals and professionals in the industry.

Real Estate Investment Clubs and Meetups

These clubs are treasure troves of information and networking opportunities. Regular meetings provide a platform to meet experienced investors, learn from their journeys, and potentially discover unlisted BRRRR properties. They serve as a hub for exchanging ideas, strategies, and sometimes, even partnership opportunities.

Online Real Estate Forums and Communities

The digital age has made it easier to connect with a global network of real estate investors. Online forums and social media groups dedicated to real estate investment are excellent for seeking advice, sharing experiences, and learning about potential investment opportunities.

Real Estate Conferences and Seminars

Attending conferences and seminars is another effective way to broaden your real estate network. These events not only provide valuable learning opportunities but also facilitate connections with a diverse group of professionals, including investors, brokers, and lenders who can play a pivotal role in your BRRRR journey.

Partnerships with Other Investors

Collaborating with other investors can be mutually beneficial. Such partnerships can pool resources, share risks, and combine expertise, making it easier to tackle larger or more challenging BRRRR projects.

Leveraging Word-of-Mouth

Often, the most lucrative deals in real estate come from personal referrals and word-of-mouth. Maintaining good relationships within your network can lead to tips about upcoming deals or distressed properties that haven’t hit the market yet.

Learn more about the BRRRR Method

Leveraging Professional Networks

Expanding your network to include various professionals can significantly enhance your capacity to find hidden properties.

Divorce Attorneys

Divorce proceedings often necessitate the quick sale of joint property. By developing a rapport with divorce attorneys, you can position yourself as a reliable resource for their clients who need to sell properties swiftly and without hassle.

Bankruptcy Attorneys

Bankruptcy lawyers frequently work with clients who need to liquidate assets rapidly.

Estate Attorneys

Estate attorneys handle property matters in the event of a person’s death. They can provide leads on properties that may need to be sold quickly to settle an estate.

Real Estate Agents Specializing in Distressed Properties

Some real estate agents focus specifically on distressed properties. They often have insider knowledge about properties facing foreclosure or sellers in urgent need of liquidating their assets.

Tax Professionals

Accountants and tax advisors may have clients who are looking to sell properties due to tax liens or other financial complications.

Property Managers

These professionals manage properties on behalf of owners and are often the first to know when an owner is considering selling, especially if the property has been difficult to manage or unprofitable.

Local Contractors and Builders

They often know about properties that may need significant work before going on the market. Their insights can be valuable in identifying rehab opportunities.

Insurance Agents

They might be aware of properties that have recently suffered damage and whose owners might be motivated to sell rather than repair.

Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers

These professionals often know when their clients are looking to liquidate assets, including real estate, for various financial reasons.

Banking and Lending Professionals

They may have knowledge of foreclosed properties or owners who are behind on mortgage payments and may consider selling.

Finderā€™s Fee and Ethical Considerations

Offering a finder’s fee to attorneys can incentivize referrals, but it’s crucial to ensure that all transactions and agreements comply with legal and ethical standards.

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Seek out off-market real estate

Off-market properties are not listed on mainstream marketplaces. They offer a realm of opportunities often overlooked by the general public. Off-market properties may come with their own set of challenges, such as property issues or personal situations of the owners prompting a quick sale. However, these very factors can lead to properties being available at significantly reduced prices.

Direct Mail Campaigns

This traditional but effective strategy involves sending personalized letters or postcards to homeowners in targeted areas. The message typically expresses your interest in purchasing their property. This approach can reach property owners who might consider selling but haven’t listed their property yet.

Collaboration with Real Estate Wholesalers

As previously mentioned, wholesalers have a knack for identifying off-market deals. Partnering with them can give you access to a pipeline of properties that are ripe for the BRRRR strategyā€‹ā€‹.

Driving for Dollars

This hands-on approach involves driving through neighborhoods to spot properties that show signs of distress or neglect. It’s a direct way to identify potential investment opportunities that might not be on the radar of other investors.

Bandit Signs

These are roadside signs often placed at busy intersections or on major roads. They typically advertise a willingness to buy houses quickly for cash. While simple, this method can be surprisingly effective in attracting leads from off-market property owners.

Visiting Estate Sales

Estate sales can be a fruitful source of off-market properties. They often involve properties that need to be sold quickly and might not be advertised widelyā€‹ā€‹.

Foreclosure Auctions

Attending foreclosure auctions presents a direct route to acquiring distressed properties. These auctions are often publicized and can be a ground for finding deals that align well with the BRRRR approach.


The BRRRR method, with its systematic approach to real estate investment, offers a viable path to building a robust property portfolio. By understanding and applying these strategies, investors can maximize their returns while minimizing risks. Remember, each step in the BRRRR process is crucial and requires diligence, research, and sometimes a bit of creativity. With the right approach and mindset, the world of BRRRR investing can open up lucrative opportunities for aspiring and seasoned investors alike.


For more detailed insights and strategies on BRRRR investing, explore the following resources:

Morris Invest Blog on BRRRR Properties

DoBackFlip’s Guide to Finding the Right Property for BRRRR

The Investor’s Edge: Finding BRRR Properties

NewSilver Lender’s Guide on BRRRR Properties



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